Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pregnancy in Ecuador

The other day we went to some peoples house from the church to pray for the new baby. The baby was 10 days old and so precious. Her name is Melody Isabella. She was beautiful. I held the baby for some time and I also got to hear the labor story.

When the girl walked in, she was ready to deliver. The nurse told her to walk, while the baby was on it's way out. There was another girl there who had twins but they only delivered one baby and let the other one stay in and it's decaying. Another young girl was sitting in position and the nurse walked to the side to wash her hands and the baby came out and hit the floor and broke its shoulder.

I heard that this was common for Ecuador. I compared it to deliveries in America and how much different they are. It's easy, you go to all your check-ups, the doctor knows you...therefore you have peace about bringing the child into the world with no complications at all. Here it is a different story. Please pray for those mothers who have and are going to have to go through this experience to bring their little one into the world.

Life is precious. Pray for advancements in this area. Thanks.

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